Computer designer jobs
Computer designer jobs

computer designer jobs

And if you are not so good at learning, try and get better at learning because then you can learn anything. Hori: If you can learn, you can learn anything, I reckon. Qeyloux: So what do you guys do? Can it be taught? So I just make sure that those things that I do that they can’t, are sort of seen in my work. I am lucky as well I am the only one that is a virtual artist and tā moko artist and things like that. A lot of my time goes into my family, and I have got a four year old so it takes a lot of my time and a lot of my mind power I guess. Morgan: It’s hard - I am the only female in the hub as a digital native. Izzy: What does a Māori wahine have to do to establish themselves in this career? To tell the stories of our ancestors and our tīpuna with mana and respect. The narratives of the stuff are not just there for business sake it’s there because it’s our tīpuna, it’s our responsibility So being a design business, it’s not just the thing that helps set us away from the pack, it’s part of our brand and also part of who we are because we are Māori. Hori: Māoritanga portrayed in our Mahi, sort of underpins everything.

computer designer jobs

Qeylouz: Is Māoritanga portrayed in your jobs, if so how? Head operator of Ariki Creative, we do graphic design, web design,mobile apps, VR/virtual reality. I am the owner of Kaitiaki Studios and I am the lead designer at Ariki Creative. Morgan Hale: Kia Ora, Morgan, tōku ingoa. Izzy: And to make sure we forget nothing on our fact finding mission, we’re making a video diary out of it. Ask the questions that not only help me find a job but a job that I will love. Next year I am out in the “working world” and heading out to test the waters. Qeyloux: Hi I am Qeyloux and I am in my last year of school. That way you will have the right people around you and you can have a Chur kind of day. Trending in 2k16 is Māori and employment and I’ll let you in on a bit of a secret, the way to make gaining employment easier is whānaungatanga or networking. Tama: Chur, I bet you’re wondering who this skux Māori boy is on your computer screen? And if you are thinking that…Chur again. Networking usually works best through social interactions – which was how I was able to land several dream projects such as the art direction and design of a coffee table book for a major agricultural company." Graphic designer video Always take advantage of any organised business networking opportunities in your area – you never know who you are going to meet! If you're freelancing it's really important to keep making contacts, as cold calling for new clients can be challenging. "It's important to keep learning, keep your skills up to date and be aware of trends. I enjoy helping them to think differently about how they can achieve their goals – I enjoy seeing them light up when they hear new ideas and get excited." Networking and refreshing skills important

computer designer jobs

I'll then work on concepts on the computer and take them back to the client to see which direction they like best. "I meet with clients and discuss not just the job, but also their business so I can get to understand it. It's quite interesting dealing with people." "What I like about the job is the creativity, and being curious about people's businesses and their goals.

computer designer jobs

This often meant following templates that were already set-up and getting design experience that way." Working with clients best part of the job "I went to uni and studied visual communication and design and it was a case of finding any job I could when I graduated, which was working for smaller companies in junior roles. Director, MCP Design Expect to start in a junior role

Computer designer jobs